Klimabündnis Österreich

Climate Alliance Austria


October 2022


Why it is important to be part of this initiative

The climate crisis is real, climate change has us firmly in its grip. Opinions on this are varied and are driving discussions about the effects even further. Greta Thunberg 's Friday for Future initiative has made a big difference since August 2018 and has not only made government leaders take the issue seriously but also take far-reaching measures. Companies, NGOs and public institutions are more or less actively involved, and in some cases still forced, in acting in a more climate-friendly or even climate-neutral way. In Austria, the Climate Alliance Austria Initiative provides a network for companies, communities, schools and kindergartens that jointly promotes active participation in climate protection.

"We are the largest municipal climate protection network in Austria. We implement local climate protection initiatives and at the same time protect the Amazon rainforest. And we have been doing so since 1990."

Klimawandel ist real und die Auswirkungen sind lebensbedrohlich

"Over 1,700 companies and public institutions are already part of the Austrian Climate Alliance."

About Climate Alliance Austria

The Austrian Climate Alliance is the largest climate protection network in Austria and is constantly growing. Companies, communities, schools and kindergartens can become part of the network by simply registering and benefit not only from the exchange and the know-how built up over decades. Ongoing training opportunities and initiatives as well as personal support in the implementation of internal company measures ensure that they actively contribute to climate protection on an ongoing basis.


A unique global climate protection partnership


In addition, the Austrian Climate Alliance has been a partner and active supporter of FOIRN, the umbrella organization of indigenous organizations on the Rio Negro in Brazil, since 1993. And it does so on three levels: ideological, political and financial. The focus is on raising awareness in Austria. A climate-friendly lifestyle not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, but also massively reduces the pressure on the rainforests.


The greatest successes of the Climate Alliance partnership:


protection of 135,000 km² of rainforest in the Amazon

FOIRN received land rights from the Brazilian government in three stages – 1998, 2012 and 2018 – for an area 1.6 times the size of Austria.

The partnership between the Climate Alliance communities and the federal state of Vorarlberg with the Chocó region in Colombia is equally long-term and successful. It has existed since 1993.


Parallel to the establishment of the Climate Alliance's European Secretariat in Frankfurt am Main, coordination offices were set up in several countries at regional and national level. The Climate Alliance is now active in 27 European countries.  

Why should you be part of this initiative?

Chrisabel unterstützt das Klimabündnis Österreich

In 2015, the climate protection agreement initiated by the United Nations was signed by 196 countries in Paris. The aim of the agreement is to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial times. The signatory states even want to try to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

A lot has happened since then. Not only states, but also their residents and the economy that drives them must take active measures to achieve these goals.

National governments have taken a stand through funding and other measures on a small and large scale. But it is becoming clear that this will not be enough to achieve these goals and create a long-term positive effect.

Each and every one of us must do our part. And the energy crisis triggered by the war in Ukraine has made it clear how insecure and dependent we are on the energy and raw material supplies of other countries. It is therefore now even more important to know what energy needs and consumption we have and what we can do to actively and sustainably reduce this.

As part of the application, a current status of energy requirements and consumption is collected and many possibilities are shown and goals are defined in order to make a contribution.

Who can become part of the Climate Protection Alliance?

With 9 regional offices, the Climate Alliance supports communities, schools, kindergartens and businesses throughout Austria. The focus of the Climate Alliance's work is to create information and awareness, networking and further training, and the implementation of projects and campaigns in the areas of climate protection, climate justice and climate change adaptation. The Climate Alliance Austria team supports and advises each individual participant and explains which measures contribute to climate protection.

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    Climate Alliance Municipalities

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    Climate Alliance Companies

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    Climate Alliance Schools and Kindergartens

How do I become part of the Climate Alliance Austria

Klimabündnis Österreich Logo

Step 1: Register with the regional office in your state

To start the process of your registration, simply send an email to the regional office of Climate Alliance Austria responsible for you. You can find the regional contact details here :

Step 2: Personal appointment with a consultant

After you contact us, a Climate Alliance advisor will contact you to arrange a personal appointment. The details of membership will be discussed and initial possible measures will be explained.

Step 3: Admission and personal final interview

In a third and final step, the personal measures for you and your company are discussed and handed over as a catalog. You now have not only a list that will put your company on the path to climate neutrality, but also a catalog of measures with defined goals. You are now officially a Climate Alliance partner.

We are a Climate Alliance company

It is a given for me to be a Climate Alliance company. If you want to find out more, just visit the website www.klimabuendnis.at .

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